Hayes Cottage Nursing Home : HousingCare

This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively. There were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. The provider implemented quality and development plans to improvements.

hayes cottage care home

EAC Advice is a free, specialist and independent telephone advice service provide by the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel . We frame our offer around ‘home’ because we understand its importance for everyone. As with hotels, the cost of living in a care home varies widely according to its location, the size of your room or suite, and the facilities on offer. There is often a substantial difference between fees charged to those who can afford the costs themselves and those who receive help from their Local Authority. A majority of homes aim to cater for both, but some target only one or the other.

Hayes Cottage Care Centre

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. For more details - staff are happy to answer any of your questions about care. Click here for links and widgets to increase enquiries and referrals for this care home.

hayes cottage care home

That’s why Care Concierge’s care experts will act as your personal care consultants. We’ll research on your behalf and find you the right care, at the right cost - turning stress into straightforward. This is the latest available inspection report for this service, carried out on 29th June 2009. It includes all 11,500 registered care homes in the UK that cater exclusively or primarily for older people. There is no charge whatsoever to appear in it, and we welcome a photo and descriptive text to enhance the presentation of your home. We have recently been able to open EAC Advice, a new 'housing options' advice service for older people.

Care Home: Hayes Cottage

This might enable you to live somewhere you couldn’t otherwise afford. The provider assessed and took steps to reduce risks to people’s safety and well-being. Accommodation, meals, and assistance with personal care and medication.

hayes cottage care home

Respite and palliative packages are also available at Hayes Cottage, which has its own dementia unit, 24 hour nursing cover and strong links with local health professionals. People's care plans set out personalised information about their care preferences and the support they needed, including their communication needs. People were supported at the end of their life to have a comfortable and dignified death.

Inspection ratings

We viewed a variety of records relating to the management of the service and building, including records of assorted audits and checks, meeting records and procedures. The inspection was prompted in part due to concerns received about some people’s support to manage their skin integrity. As a result, we undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of safe, responsive and well-led only. For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating. We found no evidence that people were at risk of harm from this concern at the time of our inspection visit.

hayes cottage care home

You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection, by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Hayes Cottage Care Centre on our website at People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement. The Care Quality Commission regulates both the premises and the care provided, and we looked at both during this inspection. Hayes Cottage Nursing Home was previously the Hayes Cottage Hospital. The building has been developed and extended to its present condition.

Kingsley Court Care Home

See CQC's page explaining ratings for more details about ratings and inspection practices of care homes in England. Specialist care designed to meet the challenges faced by people living with dementia. Our care homes offer a wonderful variety of activities that promote well-being whether you are feeling active or just want to enjoy the company of others in pleasant surroundings. Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more. If HOOP doesn't provide all the information you need, submit your HOOP session to us to arrange a conversation with an EAC Advisor.

hayes cottage care home

Think of them more like full-board hotel accommodation with 24 hour care available. Those run by private operators more often focus on lifestyle, with help and care services discretely available to buy if or when required. Both ownership and rental options are commonly available, as well as alternative ways of paying for the services on offer – including part deferring payment until a property is sold.

Recent Care Home Listings

Hayes Cottage Nursing Home is located in scenic surroundings and offers an ideal interior for carers to specialise in mental health related care, including for adults with dementia and learning disabilities. After our visit we spoke with eight relatives of people who use the service and two professionals who have worked with the service recently. We continued to seek clarification from the provider to validate evidence found. We looked at two people's care plans, staff training and quality assurance records, risk assessments, action plans and recruitment information for five staff. We take great care supporting person-centred living where lifestyle and happiness needs of each Resident are paramount. Our devoted team of professionals provide nursing care that are tailored to meet individual medical needs and individual care preferences.

hayes cottage care home

This included three care workers, a nursing assistant, two nurses, a chef, the maintenance manager, the acting manager, the provider’s clinical consultant and the provider’s director. The nominated individual is responsible for supervising the management of the service on behalf of the provider. SOFI is a way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us. We viewed a range of records including the medicines, skin management and care records for five people and the care plans for four people.

Support links

If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick below to say how you would like us to contact you. – there are some services which we can’t rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Our National Housing for Older People Awards celebrate examples of successful retirement housing and housing-with-care. With a few exceptions, accommodation in a care home cannot be bought or rented like retirement housing.


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